Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Installing Halo Headlights For 2004 Impala

A bug that I can not fix ...

Arduinome works perfectly, apart from the fact that does not have an appropriate framework and an annoying bug that did not I can solve. After the video I will explain more details:

Sometimes when I press a button, it stays on and the software interprets this as if you were still pressing and until you press it again, this situation will not unlock .
I state that any use I'm doing it, the block is not slow in coming. The case is program using the On / Off serialpyio (see previous post) does not give me any trouble, but if it crashes while I'm recording a song, it becomes annoying.
I can not understand what causes this problem lies, the only thing I can rule out (I hope) is the hardware, because the keys work well and mostly occurs randomly at any position in the array.

The only device that lowered the bug (or so it seemed) was to increase the baud rate, default 57600, to 115200. In this way arduinome will be more responsive and therefore will also reduce the latency. In any case it is convenient to increase the baud rate and it takes only these short steps:

Increase the baud rate of arduinome
To do this we will change both the firmware (3.2 current) of arduinome that the program to which you interface, or serialpyio.

  1. Open Firmware firmware 3.2 via software arduino
  2. Move to the line 488 and change the number in parentheses after Serial.begin content, from 57600 to 115200.
  3. Verify and Upload
  1. Navigate to the root folder and then serialpyio src \\ spyi
  2. To create a security backup of the file, we're going to edit
  3. Open In the absence of python, counsel for the convenience of using Notepad + +, which numbers the rows, or any text editor will do.
  4. Move to the line 1194 and change the final number of this string from 57600 to 115200
spyio.gui.dialog. devicedialog.AddSerialDeviceDialog (self, False, 57600 )

After these two changes, when our arduinome interfaces to serial-pyIO will baur higher.



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