Friday, February 18, 2011

What Not To Eat With Swollen Glands

KB Squat Muscle Phase 1 complete!

today with my faithful companion Gabrielle, we completed the first phase of the protocol Kb Muscle ... very pleased! what at first did not seem possible to do we did it! the goal each week is moved slightly more forward and complete it gives a great feeling of accomplishment. Thanks Geoff!

On this occasion we did some souvenir photos, the last set joined by our Henry the longest athlete.

nice weekend!

Chest Pain When Exerting

Project enclosure

I'm planning for the enclosure
arduinome with sketchup and are almost at the end, this is the result

L 'enclosure will be made entirely of wood, excluded one of two black Plexiglas faceplate that will be to pull a bit and to decrease the height of the buttons. For the faceplate I was inspired by the collective of machines, increasing the 10mm side of the square. The sides fit instead to "stamps" with each other and the curve on the bottom I did it to make a minimum backlight. My goal is to hide all the screws, Unlike most of the projects that are in the network, and I think I found a solution.
Finally, cut the whole project, once completed, I will refer to, which deals with laser cutting.

It was not hard to design the box for arduinome, but I still have some doubt, excluding all the aesthetic details, I think there are two variables that interfere with the use of esperieza monome clone.

  • The first is the height of the buttons . This depends on the structural level, because the faceplate is screwed together the PCB to it. My idea is to minimize this variable to decrease clearance of buttons to press and the spread of light onto the frame. Thus the sum of the two faceplates is 11mm (5 and 6 plexy wood), the height of the rectangle is 13.7 and the difference is then 2.7 mm. At this point I came to ask: is not that pressing, this' height is less than the frame? From my measurements sophisticated (ha!) Seems not, because it changes the key around two millimeters, as shown in the photo at the bottom (two would suffice, but I also got a mania for photography!).

  • The second 's height of the frame. At first my idea was to separate the logic from the PCB with LEDs and buttons to get a little box containing the first and an almost flat faceplate arduinome to play more comfortably. Then deterred from transport, inevitably more difficult, I returned to the starting point, but they remain 's idea to make it as low as possible (monome is 38mm high!). L 'total height is 51mm including the faceplate, the actual space that will fill with the logical part is 28mm and I hope enough. I'd do it even lower, but I would not have to redo because of space.

The white light suffused coming out from the cracks in the bottom of the box, I thought to reduce eyestrain resulting from prolonged use of arduinome the dark (after hours of flashing lights in total darkness you a bit stoned) e. .. the aesthetic component also wants its share!
said that, in these days (final exams) I'll finish the project of 'enclosure and graphics to be screen-printed on one side of the box. Meanwhile, I begin to think of the name you give to this, my first creation!

foolproof method to measure 'the pressure drop of a button:)

Bitware Fax Program Wikipedia

Size & Conditioning with Barbell and Muscle and Swing Swing

I thought this workout last night before going to sleep ... I had to prepare a workout for my close friend who a few months ago I taught swing, I wanted to add this exceptional training exercise in a context of "traditional". A

* Flat bench 8x5 (ripxset)
Dumbbell Press # 8 / 8 x 5

* B 8x5 Squat Lunge
# 8 / 8 x5 8x4
HLR / 5

C * Pull up 8x5 #
rower handlebars 8/8x5

a1 a2
ez barbell curl barbell French press ez

8 rip rip a1 a2 + 8 x 3 sets

Notes: * 20

between HS Swing Set (20x5)
# 8 run rip on the left and without pause 8 rip on the right leg stretching

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Play Cubefield On Ipod Touch


Today I completed the sixth week of light training protocol of two MSRKC Neupert ballistic movements and strength for a 7 series ... to perform ballistic movements of kettlebell training, especially when using 2 kettlebells is essential to implement properly a flexion / extension hip strong and powerful are often seen running with an excessive swing knee flexion, thus losing power in the propulsion ...
Here's an interesting article that explains how to perform the swing.

Thanks Coach Dan John!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Dawn Misty May Doujin

OP Luminor Marina Base

Officine Panerai pride for every "real" Florence.
For me this is the most representative model luminor base, its origins date back to 1940 designed to be simple and effective just as the kettlebell.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Lip Discoloration Dog

Kb Muscle

Today I completed the fifth week of the first phase of the protocol KB Muscle MSRKC Geoff Neupert I must say that the protocol is very well structured progressions take you to run multiple sets decreasing recovery time ... the body adapts and so can always push a little further. Programming and progression are the key elements of the physical improvement often failures and stalls are due to their own lack.
nice weekend.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Installing Halo Headlights For 2004 Impala

A bug that I can not fix ...

Arduinome works perfectly, apart from the fact that does not have an appropriate framework and an annoying bug that did not I can solve. After the video I will explain more details:

Sometimes when I press a button, it stays on and the software interprets this as if you were still pressing and until you press it again, this situation will not unlock .
I state that any use I'm doing it, the block is not slow in coming. The case is program using the On / Off serialpyio (see previous post) does not give me any trouble, but if it crashes while I'm recording a song, it becomes annoying.
I can not understand what causes this problem lies, the only thing I can rule out (I hope) is the hardware, because the keys work well and mostly occurs randomly at any position in the array.

The only device that lowered the bug (or so it seemed) was to increase the baud rate, default 57600, to 115200. In this way arduinome will be more responsive and therefore will also reduce the latency. In any case it is convenient to increase the baud rate and it takes only these short steps:

Increase the baud rate of arduinome
To do this we will change both the firmware (3.2 current) of arduinome that the program to which you interface, or serialpyio.

  1. Open Firmware firmware 3.2 via software arduino
  2. Move to the line 488 and change the number in parentheses after Serial.begin content, from 57600 to 115200.
  3. Verify and Upload
  1. Navigate to the root folder and then serialpyio src \\ spyi
  2. To create a security backup of the file, we're going to edit
  3. Open In the absence of python, counsel for the convenience of using Notepad + +, which numbers the rows, or any text editor will do.
  4. Move to the line 1194 and change the final number of this string from 57600 to 115200
spyio.gui.dialog. devicedialog.AddSerialDeviceDialog (self, False, 57600 )

After these two changes, when our arduinome interfaces to serial-pyIO will baur higher.


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Hard Lump In Throat Flu

RKC Italy

E 'online site Italian RKC!

My comment about the course was posted on the forum Dragondoor together with that of my companions.
Thanks! and Honor!