Friday, December 17, 2010

Where Pokemon Heartgold Online

Parts arrived!

pieces have arrived and SparkFun Arduino, after two business days from the order, you post some pictures of the components:

I found in an electronics store all necessary components except the MAX7219, I ordered and will arrive Monday.
As for the LED, I tried some 3 and 5 mm (both in size are good), all with high luminosity. The color I chose from the various tests is white, I think it matches better to the wood frame.
The effect of light that just can not please me is the "ball" that forms the center of the button and Note also on youtube, allowing definition video in most of arduinome.
Effetto pallino led
The photo is underexposed: with normal exposure you could not see the effect
The light in question is 5mm
I believe that this problem is to be charged at the corner of spread of the LEDs: 3mm ones are unlikely to exceed 20 ° and the 5mm are around 40 degrees, creating a very narrow cone of light, which in our case as a dot in the center of the button. The LEDs I ordered these are : have a scattering angle of 170 degrees, and I hope will reduce the effect bullet.
will post the photos in an article on the various tests on the buttons light, the LEDs will come soon.


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