Friday, November 26, 2010

White Bumps On My Ball Sack

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Thursday, November 25, 2010

Where Can You Get Katydids

Where to get the components?! List of components

After deciding starting this project, I started searching on the net a few e-shops that sell the necessary parts to build. Based on the links of the draft (the original) I was thinking to order from recommended sites, walk straight into a problem of enormous magnitude: MONEY.
Nell 'purchase of products from' America must keep an 'eye on shipping costs, which are around € 30 if insured (I recommend it), to which are added the infamous-but not always present - customs fees, required by the courier on delivery, which amounted to 20% of the cost! A final drawback is the waiting time, which in some cases exceeds the month.

After discovering that the price of the building would have risen at least 60 €, I was about to give up, when I receive a positive response from 'e-shop and want Gifts - Retailers official to SparkFun - with a readiness that unexpected, aim to add to their order from the U.S. also the products requested by me.

Ultimately recommend buying the products SparkFun, which is the PCB and the panel of silicone, a dealer in Europe (to decrease the price of shipping), or Italy as in my case. As for the electronics, I believe that most of them can be purchased at an electronics store a bit 'supplied in your town or online.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Liquid Pectin Where To Buy New Zealand

These are the components necessary for building the functional part of Arduinome, or the 'e:

For each required component, taken from the official website of arduinome, I added the required amount, code, description and a picture indicative of the component. Later, construction, explain how the components described above are connected with diagrams and pictures. The codes of the electronic components (not including buttons and PCB SparkFun ) refer to the site Digikey . P er more info about individual components, I refer you to the list of members of the official project .

Regarding the choice of LED, there are no specific details: I recommend the use of LEDs with a narrow viewing angle to prevent the lateral spread of light (I'll make a comparison with pictures to show the differences between the two). In my case I'm going to pick a single color LED, which I have not decided yet, but I want to point out that the chip also supports SparkFun multicolored LEDs, which complicates a bit the hardware and software, and then I will not deal.

according to the choice of LEDs will vary the resistance values: respect for the value of netword of resistors, I have not noticed changes in the various projects I've seen in the network, the resistor value in the bottom of the list, you must refer to the following article (in English), which is the subject. After deciding the type of LED that I'm going to use, I will explain in a simple way how to calculate that value.

ps: all the images used were taken from their e-shop of the components above (and, who attribute the authorship.

EDIT: I added the tags of various components to the reference site for easy retrieval.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Mls Open Tryouts 2012

It begins!

I thought of doing a blog, which witnesses the execution of this wonderful copy of Arduino-based monome or arduinome , addressed to all those like me who wish to undertake this' company without any (or almost) knowledge of electronics.
Given my complete ignorance on the subject, I hope to get advice from some expert or someone who has already built, and possibly share information and experiences for better implementation.
said this began with a list of shares to buy, in addition to reference sites that have allowed me to learn about the project I want to achieve.
L 'arduionome I would like to achieve is a copy of the monome 40h is an array of 8x8 buttons light.

Meanwhile, add a couple of videos to learn more about the subject in question!

Monome 128

monomer 64 (40h)